
Showing posts from July, 2019

Democratic Election - Every vote counts

"Leaders are not born but are made by their experiences in life" -   Vince Lombardi To inculcate leadership qualities in the students and to give them a feel of fair functioning of the administrative body; elections for the prefectorial body session 2019 -20 were held at Choithram International on 26 th   July 2019. The students utilized their right to vote judiciously and contributed to elect the right candidate. In no time the votes were counted in the scrutinous atmosphere and the results for the new prefectorial body were declared by the Head of School. The atmosphere resonated zeal to witness the office bearers taking the center stage and resolving to fulfill their duties and responsibilities with sincerity.

Young front-runners exhibiting leadership

The young leaders of MYP and DP contested for the new Students’ Council for the session 2019 – 20 and proposed coaxing speeches to be elected as different post – holders of the same. They are the lions who are ready to echo the world with the roar of their leadership quality. Their vigor was laudable and it brought many future leaders in front.

Panorama of youth’s flair

The assembly presentation by the endowed young learners of MYP 5A on Thursday, July 11, 2019 has been a sheer exhibition of their flair for diverse accomplishments. The event’s theme was World population Day. The eldest batch of MYP showcased various presentations based on the same after seeking blessings from God for a zealous day. Thereafter, they threw light on the prominence of communication skills in the present world where words matter the most. It was followed by a wondrous speech on the celebrated event of the past year ‘Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra’ to emphasize on the presence of the Omniscient and the essence of Indian Culture. The assembly culminated with a mellifluous rendition of the strings of orchestra that filled the air with mirth and cheer.