MYP 3 agriculture field trip to Dakachya Village on 24 March 2017

It is truly said that 'the most effective learning happens outside the classroom'.

Students of MYP 3 visited a farm near Dakachya village on 24 March 2017 to experience farming with modern tools and techniques. The planned field trip reinforced the concepts in the Science Unit 'Agriculture'.

Students reflected that practical application of classroom learning makes understanding of a concept easier and interesting by sowing marigold seeds, planting soya bean seedlings, and gaining knowledge about bee-keeping. While testing the pH of the soil of the crop field with a pH meter, they found that it was 7.5. 

During the field trip, students showcased various IB learner profiles of inquirers, caring and thinker.

More field trips based on the curriculum will be beneficial to break the monotony of classroom learning.


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