MYP 3 graphic novel project - A journey with Gulliver

Our Inter-Disciplinary Unit (IDU) task was to design a graphic novel, based on the story “Gulliver's Travels” by Jonathan Swift. The thought behind our task was to see the significance of technology in a creator's life, specifically in literature and art.

We started off with an exceptionally enthusiastic brainstorming session in which we chose the sort of apps that are useful for our purpose; the kind of app that will best represent our story with respect to significant events of the story and other small details. We chose the subjects English and Design, which allowed us to showcase our ability for innovation and writing.

Our teachers educated us concerning the task; the entire class was rising with energy as this was the first experience of creating a graphic novel and the entire idea was a ton of fun! We required our iPads and computers, a graphic novel making application, our novel and the guidance our teachers provided.

We kick-started with a collaborative session where we learned about graphic novels and designing. Later, we started designing the novel and, since it was our first time in a project like this, we required the assistance of our teachers who graciously supported us all through! The fascinating part was the point that, although we took similar portions of text, we presented them in different manners by choosing our own plot diagrams, layouts and themes.

After we had completed our graphic novels, we were surprised by what we had created in terms of design and that we had really made this cost of workmanship.

We could have depicted our innovativeness through different manners like making a movie, tweaking the story in our preferred ways, and we could have even made an animated video. This experience was truly overpowering for each of the students, as it showed us a specialized world of literature and design, which we will perpetually look upon.

Here are links to a few completed projects:

Arya Naga

Maitri Sharma

Yohesh Rajani

Ananya Mimani & Janvi Karnawat


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