
Showing posts from September, 2017

MYP 5 World Tourism Day Assembly on 28 September 2017

MYP year 5 presented a spectacular assembly that was infused with energy. The Christopher Columbus Award was conferred on MYP Year 2 for securing the maximum number of points in a mind-boggling quiz on geography. The quiz was followed by a breath-taking dance that took the gathering on a journey across India. Subsequently, a mellifluous mesmerizing song pervaded the school building. The learners reflected on the development of ATL skills such as self-management and social skills whilst sharing how they portrayed the IB learner profiles Open-mindedness and Risktaker. More photos on our Facebook album .

Guest Lecture on Culture of China for MYP 1 Students on 27 September 2017

We had a guest lecture today on the ‘Culture of China’ for our MYP 1 students. The guest speakers were Mr Ajay and Mrs Sheetal Agrawal (parents of Anushka Agrawal, MYP 3A student). The lecture was mesmerizing to our students who learned about the religion, myths, food, festivals, famous personalities, and the importance of the lucky number 8. The lecture had contributed to the students’ knowledge which was a requirement of their Unit 1 - The World We Live In. The presentation enhanced the development of international mindedness of the students and exposed the learners to a totally different culture.

MYP 1 and 2 Students Visit Central Museum Indore on 27 September 2017

On 27 September 2017, our MYP 1 and MYP 2 students visited the Central Museum in Indore for an academic purpose. The MYP 2 learners observed and learned about geological timelines, various types of rocks in the form of sculptures, fossils, historic and prehistoric soil samples, uses of stones in making ornaments, weapons and other articles. This visit enhanced their knowledge and understanding, which was a requirement for their Inter-Disciplinary Unit 'Rocks, Minerals and Soil'. Their IB learner profiles ‘inquirer’ and ‘knowledgeable’ were explored here. The MYP 1 students studied how historical artefacts help in knowing history, which was a part of their unit ‘The World We Live In’ from the subject ‘Individuals and Societies'.

Guest Lecture on Genetic Engineering on 26 September 2017

Genetic Engineering is a fast developing field today. The students of MYP 5 attended an interactive guest lecture on Genetic Engineering by Dr Virginia D'Britto on 26 September 2017. Dr D’Britto is the Head of the Department of Science in our school. The learners of MYP 5 were aware of organ transplantation, stem cell banking, surrogacy as well as research in this field for the future of mankind. This will enable the learners to develop their research skills and get enough information to reflect while attempting their assessments. This will facilitate them to transfer their knowledge about Genetic Engineering, while studying the film 'Frankenstein' in the English Language and Literature curriculum.  Student Reflection Our lecture, delivered by Dr Virginia D’Britto, was about genes, cloning of organs and how genes make every human unique. The lecture proceeded with a discussion about genes and how they decide the colour of the skin, the eye ...

MYP 1-B Assembly on 21 September 2017

MYP 1-B assembly focused on Alzheimer’s, Navratri and International Peace Day. To create awareness about Alzheimer’s, a skit was presented and two videos were shown on how to manage and support people suffering from Alzheimer’s. This depicted the Knowledgeable IB learner profile of the students.   As 21 September 2017 was the first day of Navratri, the students showcased an informative presentation on it to explain how and why it is celebrated with the traditional dance form - Garba . It gave us an insight into our culture. The commemoration of International Peace Day was done through an explanation by the students on the importance of peace and non-violence as well as how it is related to the IB mission and our school’s mission. The students also presented a song which spoke of peace, thus showing the IB learner profile Caring. Overall, it was an amazing and enthusiastic assembly which helped the students develop their communication and self-...