MYP 1 and 2 Students Visit Central Museum Indore on 27 September 2017

On 27 September 2017, our MYP 1 and MYP 2 students visited the Central Museum in Indore for an academic purpose.

The MYP 2 learners observed and learned about geological timelines, various types of rocks in the form of sculptures, fossils, historic and prehistoric soil samples, uses of stones in making ornaments, weapons and other articles.

This visit enhanced their knowledge and understanding, which was a requirement for their Inter-Disciplinary Unit 'Rocks, Minerals and Soil'. Their IB learner profiles ‘inquirer’ and ‘knowledgeable’ were explored here.

The MYP 1 students studied how historical artefacts help in knowing history, which was a part of their unit ‘The World We Live In’ from the subject ‘Individuals and Societies'.


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