MYP 5 Personal Project Exhibition on 24 November 2017
Exhibition of Personal Project was
organized today, 24 November 2017. It provided the opportunity to the students
of MYP 5 to exhibit their research work, learning profiles, extension of their
knowledge and various approaches to learning skills (research, collaboration,
communication, reflection and thinking skills) through a project of their own
The Personal Project is a significant output
of work which is produced over an extended period of 8 months by each IB MYP 5 student
which leads to the culmination of Middle Year Programme. MYP 5 students have
worked hard on their Personal Projects. After investigating, planning, taking
action, preparing a product and reflecting on their own learning, skills
development, IB learner profiles, evaluating of their project and refining
their work, they exhibited their projects in Choithram International school
There were a wide range of
products like videos, paintings, portrait making, app to help traffic control,
video games, websites to spread awareness, to explain bowling skills,
showcasing panchbhutas through photography, dress designing on 5 elements,
enlightening on aspects of teenage gym, writing a booklet / novel / novella,
studying Thailand’s culture, weight loss by walking, PPT on conflict and peace,
designing and interior decoration of personal room and so on.
The presentations and explanations
by the students were appreciable. They exhibited their products and interacted
enthusiastically with parents, teachers and other students.
More photos on our Facebook album.
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