Annual Athletic Meet 2017-18

The 14th Annual Athletic Meet (2017-18) was conducted by Choithram International from 19.01.2018 to 20.01.2018. On 19.01.2018, the 14th Annual Athletic Meet (2017-18) opened with a spectacular march-past by the MYP and DP students. Then the Chief Guest, Mr.Dilip Vasu, the Head of School, declared the meet open with a motivational speech pointing at the school mascot, the dolphin, that as per him exhibited most of the IB learner profiles. The students could be seen putting their heart and soul into the event and showcased the IB learner profiles of risk-taker, balanced and principled when they ran the varied races on the field. Their ATL skills of self-management and communication helped them to diplay their healthy competitive spirit.
Today, on 20.01.2018, the races of 100 mt., 200 mt., 400 mt. and relay were attempted by the students. Tagore House won the first place not only in sports but also in other cultural activities that had been conducted throughout the academic session. Lincoln House was placed second with Gandhi House and Mandela following close behind.

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