MYP 2B Assembly

The assembly on 15th March, 2018, presented by the diligent students of MYP 2B included a blend of a robust dance, an eloquent skit based on kidney donation reflecting the common social stigmas which barrier the process on kidney transplant, touched with scientific knowledge of the process. There was an amalgamation of a musical performance with a female choir on the song ‘Bekhauf’ which correlated perfectly with the theme woman empowerment along with some edifying presentations on the Dandi march and a tribute to the legendary cosmologist, Stephen Hawking as he passed away a day before. The tribute included a short biography of his life, how he is one of the most influential personalities in history and a minute of silence devoted to his soul.  
A forte of this assembly was that it was completely a student-driven work, clearly reflecting the students’ understanding on the themes of the assembly, demonstrating the genuine erudition of the students and the on-the-stage skills they have learnt. The musicians corresponding with the choir’s pace, pupils preparing an enlightening presentation of Stephen Hawking in the limited time of a day, the anchors swiftly adjusting their script to include new performances; were all forms of on-the-spot assessment which can be counted as the finest type of assessment.
MYP 2B strived to include a galore of events and presentations of a diversity of different themes to keep the audience betrothed. In all, the assembly was entertaining and as much a pleasure to see as to do.

- Akshat Shahjade


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