The World of Shakespeare
The Metamorphosis
for the ShakeMeUp Film Festival delved into the evergreen play by Shakespeare ‘Taming
the Shrew’, to create the short film ‘Metamorphosis’. The essence of this
satirical comedy connects intrinsically with that of the Indian Society’s
culture that has been reflected through the depiction of a fiction based on
Indian Arranged Marriages. Watch the satire and do comment.
The Takeover Bid
MYP4 showcased ‘The Takeover Bid’ : an animated fictional film with a changed
ending in the ShakeMeUp Film Festival.
Though it was adapted from ‘The Tragedy of King Lear’, it has been set in
today’s time wherein one can observe Cordelia - the deprived daughter of a
business magnate - executing a takeover bid of her dad’s company, instead of
her death as in the original play. This clearly showcases that with the right planning
anything can be achievable. Do view this fascinating animation and comment.
Pay a Price
creative venture for the ShakeMeUp Film Festival of ‘Pay a Price’ is a
take-off on ‘The Merchant of Venice’,
that explores the strength of true friendships which withstands even the test
of love. The reenactment of it was done with a changed ending. It has indeed
proven that wits win at the end; and, to some extent,
friendships also contribute towards building a strong support system in
society. Would love to know your view after you watch it.
The Madhatter Show
MYP4 unleashed their creative skills for the
ShakeMeUp Film Festival by highlighting a strong issue like ‘mental illness’,
normally shrugged off by society to be swept under the carpet. As Shakespeare’s
plays many a time feature characters who
were mad, the characters of Hamlet from the play ‘Hamlet’ and Helena from the play
‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ were used in the short film ‘The Madhatter Show’ to
bring awareness and empathy towards people suffering from mental illness of any
kind and prevent them from being stereotyped. Do watch this reality show on
mental illness and comment.
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