MYP 1B - Service Culmination


  Let’s nurture nature so that we can have a better future.

Service is an integral part of the MYP curriculum. While extending service to the community students are groomed to be more responsible and aware global citizens. Keeping this view in mind, MYP 1 B students took up three service projects -Flora and Fauna, Mission Animal Existence, and Concern for Corona in the ongoing session.

As a culmination of the service, students presented glimpses of their activities in the form of PowerPoint presentations, videos, posters, and students talks. It was an excellent presentation demonstrating their in-depth research and collaborative work for all three projects. It was also evident that our young learners are concerned about the environment and can strive for its protection and preservation. The culmination event highlighted a fruitful learning experience for all the students and their work was appreciated by all.


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