
Orientation/ PTM 06-08-2022

  Parent Orientation Session   At Choithram International, we believe that parents need to be involved at every step of the teaching-learning process so that they can keep track of their ward's holistic development.   An orientation session was organized for the MYP students and parents with the aim to provide them an insight into MYP principles of assessments. During the session the stakeholders were apprised of the Internal and External Assessments process followed to assess the knowledge, skills, and aptitudes of our young learners. The information about the reporting system of students' progress and achievement would aid the parents to easily monitor the academic growth of their wards.  The Orientation was followed by a 'Meet the Tutor' session whereby the parents got an opportunity to interact with the facilitators to activate synergy for the overall development of the students.    The Parental feedback on the session will help in creating a better lea...

Session on 'Sustainability' in Emerald Heights

  Collaboration to promote Sustainability Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It's about doing more good .-Jochen Zeitz Choithram International has always been committed to promoting a sustainable lifestyle. In alignment with our school’s mission, we focus on grooming our students to become compassionate and responsible global citizens. To achieve our goal of a Sustainable Green School, our staff and students have been working rigorously on various aspects of the environment like land, air, energy, water, and waste management. Choithram International has even received accolades from CSE for the commendable work done in this field. A lot has been done to spread the message of the importance of ‘Sustainability’ to the wider community. On 30th July 2022, students of CI got an opportunity to share their projects undertaken under the Green School Programme along with curriculum-driven work with students from Global STEM Academics These students are from different countrie...

Service Visit to Sewa Mandir -30-07-22

  Service Initiative to Spread Joy Students of MYP 1 took the initiative to bring joy to the lives of special children by organizing a Happiness Drive wherein they collected toys to share with the underprivileged kids.  As a part of their curriculum-driven service project, ‘Happy Childhood’ students visited Sewa Mandir to celebrate International Friendship Day with their new friends.  Enthusiastic Learners of MYP 1 participated in an array of activities which included a performance of melodious songs and synchroni zed dance numbers for the academic staff and kids of Sewa Mandir School.  A lot of effort was put in by our students into collaborative and meticulous planning and practice of the event. The students quickly mingled with each other, and it was heartwarming to see them enjoying themselves together. The overjoyed kids from Sewa Mandir participated in the games and activities with a lot of zeal and cherished the awards. Students even shared friendship bands an...

IDL Session in MYP-1

  “Learning is a constant process of discovery – a process without end.”— Bruce Lee An interdisciplinary teaching-learning approach allows students to link theory to experience, rooting the content in real-life situations and making the learning more meaningful. Keeping this view in mind, an IDL session was organized for students of MYP-1 connecting the topic of Language and Literature-English with Individuals and Societies. A bunch of enthusiastic learners attended the guest talk by senior faculty from the humanities department that connected their ongoing topic of Child labor with the history of the Industrial Revolution. The engaging session stimulated multiple perspectives on ‘Child Rights and Issues’.  The session also helped in enhancing the critical thinking and problem-solving skills of the students and also developed a sense of empathy towards the children who are of their age group but forced to work as child laborers.

Wellness Session- IKIGAI

"Wellness - A state of being You in totality" - Richa Chaturvedi In a world full of chaos, we sometimes tend to get confused as to what it is that we want to do or pursue in life. Our internal sabotage takes a toll on us, and we feel far away from our core and life purpose. In this regard, a session was conducted for the students of MYP 4 - DP1. The session aimed to enhance wellness and overall well-being through IKIGAI - A way to Find Life Purpose and Happiness! During the interactive workshop, students developed an understanding of exploring life's purpose using a tool called Ikigai, improving one’s ways of thinking, and learning to create a plan of action for the bright future.   The whole session focused on helping students build their life upon; 5 main pillars: starting with small steps → focus on the details releasing yourself → accept who you are harmony and sustainability → rely on others the joy of little things → appreciate little things being in the here and no...

3D Modelling

  Students of Design Technology DP1 modelled various products using the Fusion 360 on MacBook. Our students have been using Tinkercad on their iPads to good effect.

Designing Posters for a Purpose

Students are not very keen to design manual posters with a social message, but when given the option to design a digital poster they are very enthusiastic as they have a lot of scope to use technology. Students love to draw, click photographs from their surroundings, and add to the templates. They have options to use a variety of font styles and sizes and add special visual effects. MYP 1 and 2 students created digital posters on global issues which they are studying in their curriculum. Through this activity, they were able to enhance their thinking and communication skills for a social cause by creating posters with visual effects, animations, and GIFs.