
Showing posts from November, 2017

MYP 2A Assembly on 30 November 2017

MYP 2 A Assembly theme was ‘Change with time is necessary for success in life’. Students performed a skit to spread this message. With the help of videos, they explained the importance of collaborative skills. In addition, there were presentations for ‘Eid-e-Milad’ and ‘World AIDS Day’. Through a PPT, the students explained Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus, other important information about AIDS and discussed the recent technology and researches for controlling HIV. Then they sang a melodious group song. With a dance performance, they wished everyone Eid-e-Milad Mubarak. The assembly culminated with an instrumental music performance. Through this assembly presentation, the students demonstrated their communication, research and self-management skills. The IB profiles developed were ‘principled’ and ‘communicator’. More photos on our Facebook album .

Student-Led Conferences (SLCs) for MYP 4 and 5 on 21 Nov and 24 Nov 2017

MYP 4 and MYP 5 SLCs were held last week on 21 November and 24 November, respectively. The parents were enlightened about the learning and performances in the assessments of their wards. The learners enumerated their own weaknesses and strengths, and assured their parents that they will work on improving in the next term. The learners' presentation through the SLC clearly reflected the IB Learner Profile of Thinker. More photos on our Facebook album .

MYP 5 Personal Project Exhibition on 24 November 2017

Exhibition of Personal Project was organized today, 24 November 2017. It provided the opportunity to the students of MYP 5 to exhibit their research work, learning profiles, extension of their knowledge and various approaches to learning skills (research, collaboration, communication, reflection and thinking skills) through a project of their own choice. The Personal Project is a significant output of work which is produced over an extended period of 8 months by each IB MYP 5 student which leads to the culmination of Middle Year Programme. MYP 5 students have worked hard on their Personal Projects. After investigating, planning, taking action, preparing a product and reflecting on their own learning, skills development, IB learner profiles, evaluating of their project and refining their work, they exhibited their projects in Choithram International school atrium. There were a wide range of products like videos, paintings, portrait making, app to help traff...

Photography Competition for MYP Learners on Maheshwar Trip

During the trip to Maheshwar on Children’s Day, 14 November 2017, we had organised a photography competition for our MYP students. From the many entries we received, here are the winners: 1st place: Pavitar Singh Arneja 2nd place: Kanishk Singh 3rd place: (joint winners) Bhavesh Rochlani and Kartik Kangia. Special mentions: Arushi Pathak, Pavitar Singh Arneja, Sarthak Badole, Sarthak Jain and Yog Sharma. We’re sure you’ll appreciate the lovely photographs.

MYP 3B Assembly on World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

The students of MYP 3 B presented their assembly based upon the theme of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (WDR). The students took the opportunity to invite the guest speakers Mr. Prashant Chobe - ASP traffic police Indore, Dr. Ashwini Dash – Surgeon, Apollo Hospital, Indore and Mr. Bharat Tonke – President of a NGO ‘Safe Life Foundation’ to celebrate this day, make other students aware about the road safety and its importance in today’s scenario. Dr Ashwini Dash opined his views on road safety and said “I have seen the families suffering too, along with the road accident victims. It’s painful.” The data regarding the road casualties presented by Mr. Bharat Tonke was an eye opener for all of us. ASP Mr. Prashant Chobe interacted with all the students and answered students’ queries, shared what are the roles of traffic police and mirrored the responsibilities of all of us as responsible citizens. The assembly concluded with a hea...